We are Heaven sent in order to realize Heaven is Earth

We are Heaven sent in order to realize Heaven on Earth, or, more precisely to realize Heaven is Earth. Earth is Heaven's physical manifestation. It is here that Love makes landfall. We are 'that' what is Love. So is Earth and all of nature's kind as all is representative of the most high. The Garden of Eden is right here on earth. Earth is a synonym for Love. So now we are waking up, us sleepers, as rising from a dream, and are finding Love is shining upon us, even more so; Love... it is us. We are Creation. We are Love. For Love is Heaven and Heaven is Love. Right here on Earth.
We are the Current. The Current is Love! Now let us shine and rise to greatness.
For We Are Love ~ For We Are One.

~ Wald Wassermann, Love from Cosmos