The Source is but One Self.

Otherness is a wonderful concept as long as it does not result in Oneself seeing itself as an illusory enemy. The primary purpose of otherness is companionship plain and simple. Feel free to change the word otherness with diversity or variation or whatever. You see; Oneself, which I will call the Source, continuously births itself into its very own physical beingness drop by drop. The problem is that it cannot do this all at once. Oneself didn't build itself in a day.  The Source is indeed like water. Drip, drip, drip. All these drips create a stream and this stream is physical reality. Physical reality is the Source, it is Oneself. The problem happens when all these drops of water no longer realize they are but the Source, that they are but One stream, that they are but Oneself and that the only purpose is Love.
~ Wald Wassermann