There is only ONEself perceiving itself as diversified no to be alONE.

There is no such thing as race so why is there racism? Why do we see others? The answer is simple. There are no others. There is only ONEself perceiving itself as diversified no to be alONE. Diversity exists; division does not. Is it Pantheism or Monism? I don’t know. There are so many ways to describe Oneself. Leit atar panui minei. There is only I. There is only God. There is only One. There is only Self. There is only Oneself. Regardless; it is a very difficult truth to accept. The reason is that Oneself, i.e. One Self, tries everything to escape its Oneness; its alOneness, its singleness. The best long term peace-keeping solution is thus an international governing agency such as the United Nations.
~ Wald