God is undivided but perceives itself as divided for Companionship.

There is only God. God is undivided but perceives itself as divided not to be alone, for Companionship. Companionship is the purpose and aloneness is the cause. It is so. So it is. There is only Oneself. Oneself is undivided but perceives itself as divided not to be alone, for Companionship. Any perception of division is merely a thin veneer that serves the purpose of Companionship. Companionship equates to Love. It is not good to be alone. All this for Love; not to be alone. Love is the purpose why Oneself perceives itself as Life diversified. Life diversified is in truth Oneself perceiving itself as diversified not to be alone. There is no such thing as division in reality for reality is Oneself; reality is God. There is only God. There is only Oneself. Same!
~ Wald