Diversity Exists; Division Does Not.

There are not many Gods; there is only God. There are not many separate selves; there is only One Self. God is undivided but perceives itself as variegated not to be alone. Oneself is undivided but perceives itself as variegated not to be alone. That which we are is in truth God. That wich we are is in truth One Self. God knows no division. Oneself knows no division. God knows only diversity. Oneself knows only diversity. Diversity exists for companionship, for friendship, for togetherness, for Love. Love is only one meaning and purpose of Life for Life is in reality God; Life is in reality Oneself. God desires nothing more but to Love and Be Loved. Oneself desires nothing more but to Love and Be Loved. Love is the law of God. Love is the Law of Self. God is Oneself. Self is always One without a second. All this for Love; not to feel alone. Aloneness is the cause and Love is the purpose.
~ Wald