Separation is imagined for companionship

There is no separation. Separation is imagined for Companionship; not to feel alone. Aloneness is the cause and Companionship is the purpose. That which we are is in truth God experiencing itself as diversified not to be alone. It is just that God is Oneself for there is no separation, there is no division, there is no otherness. That which we are is Oneself experiencing itself as diversified not to be alone. Aloneness is the cause of the origin of Life. Life is in truth Oneself desiring Companionship; it is God desiring Companionship. For God is Oneself. Existence is One without a second. There never was, is, neither ever will be any division. Division is a self-engineered sensory illusion that serves the purpose not to feel alone. There is only God. There is only Oneself. God is reality. Oneself is reality. Reality is God desiring not to be alone; it is God desiring companionship. Reality is Oneself desiring not to be alone; it is Oneself desiring companionship. All this for Love, all this for Love; not to feel alone!

~ Wald