Division Does Not Exist in Biology.

The answer to the question - why does God allow suffering? - is that suffering can only exists if division exists. Truth to be said; there never was, is, nor ever will be division. Division does not exist. God is undivided. Division does not exist in the Kingdom of God. God is One without a second. God is Indivisible. God Itself is. God always is. It is God what Life is. It is the fallacy of division that is the cause for most suffering in this world. It must be remembered that God is diversified but knows no division. It must be remembered that the purpose of diversity is not to cause suffering; the purpose of diversity is not to be alone, to experience Companionship better known as Love. Love is why otherness is perceived. But all otherness serves the purpose of togetherness. We are but One desiring not to be alOne. We are but One desiring to Love and Be Loved in return. It is this what is God. God not only is Love. We are God desiring not to be alone. We are God desiring Companionship. We are God desiring to Love and Be Loved in return. There really is no division. Then there are some who say 'no, that's not possible, look at biology, everything is divided'. Now I am, as a biologist and scientist, certain beyond a reasonable doubt that division does not exist in biology for there is no division in God. So it is. There is no division in biology; biology is undivided. All that is here is God. God Is. God Always Is. The only purpose is Love.
~ Wald Wassermann