God is Life and Life is God.

It is good asking the question if there is Life after Death. The short answer is Yes. Why? Both Life and Death are part of One thing; this thing is no thing but That which transcends both Life and Death. Yes. God. God Is. God Always Is. What it means is that God experiences itself as itself. God perceives itself as Life diversified, as Man and as Woman, not to be alone. In other words. Both Life and Death are God. There is nothing but God. God experiences itself as Life not to be alone, for Companionship, for Love. There is no Death for God is Pure Spirit and as such there is NO death. This is the message of Jesus Christ. This is the promise of The Eternal Life. This is the promise of the Resurrection. Thou verily art Deathless, The Eternal and The Divine. There is nothing to fear for all that is here is God. God Is. God is Life and Life is God. Simply remember that there is only God. Simply remember to feel only Love. Always return to Love when in doubt for Love is always around. It is good saying it once a day 'all is always G-d'. Repeat this often
~ Wald