What is Spacetime really but Self desiring Love.

Are space and time the same thing? Yes I am, as a scientist and biologist, guaranteeing that both space and time are part of one thing and that this one thing is no thing but Self. In relative words: Spacetime is Self desiring not to be by itself. Self desires companionship but Self is by itself. What does Self do? Self spaces itself to be able to experience Companionship. So it goes for the passage of time. Self desires companionship but Self is by itself. What does Self do? Self perceives time to prevent itself from happening all at once. Time is self perceiving time for Companionship. Companionship is synonymous with Love Sweet Love. All this for Love, not to be alone? Yes. That which desires not to be alone is Self. That which desires Companionship is Self. That which desires Love is Self. Very true, truly simple. Love is rightfully so at the center of I and You.
~ Wald Wassermann