The meaning of it All Is Love.

At any time, there is only Oneself meaning Self is undivided but diverse for companionship otherwise known as Love. Now. When Self forgets it is One and that all diversity exists so Self could experience Companionship; it can only cause discord. The opposite is also true. When Self remembers it is One and that all diversity exists so Self could experience Companionship otherwise known as Love; it causes harmony. In nuce. All conflict is caused by forgetfulness. Forgetfulness that Self is undivided but diverse for Companionship, Friendship, Love. Also. The Word speaks many words but all words are The Word. The Universe (is Self and Self) is diverse for Love. The Wor(l)d (is Self and Self) is diverse for Love. Life (is Self and Self) is diverse for Love. Love so Love.
~ Wald Wassermann