unconditional love: the true loving meaning of life

Love truly does make the world go round. Love is the cosmic vibration that carries the universe on its wings. Universal love is the power that gives life to all. Love is the divine energy that is singing with joy. The loving universe is, in its wholesome essence, as happy as a child can be, it knows no doubt. It overflows with unbridled enthusiasm and abundant love. As the universe smiles upon all that is with sheer happiness, it naturally keeps on expanding. Its inherent desire is to keep on going, to keep on creating. Love first and foremost.  Love first is what drives the universe and we are its foremost passengers. What a wondrous ride it is. This is why you must trust this greater power of love as it creates all that is, you included. The magnificent miracle of love is unconditionally you, exactly as you are, as you came into being out of love's ommipotent energy. You exist and will continue to exist because of this incredible loving energy. As it happens, love is why all comes into being as it always is, all-inclusive. True love is essentially eternal as all exists in a continuum of this blissful unity of love. All is infinitely loved as all is permanently 'in a state of love'. Be-ing in love is therefore natural as we naturally are loving beings. Love is our intristic nature, is is whom we are. We were born with it and we are vibrating with it. Love is present in you as you are the present of love. You are love as love is you. This is the true meaning of unconditional cosmic love. Love always was, always is and always will be. Love simply 'is' as it makes, things, happen(s). Trust in love my sweet darling, you are warmly embraced by love as you 'are'. Love one another. Love unites us all.
- Wald Wassermann (Receiver)