love's vibrational energy is healing - loving signals from the cosmos

Love from cosmos. The source of cosmic love is not a code. Loving signals are the source. These signals, love signs from the unity of one, our universe, combine to create matter by the thought of loving intent. Our universe is created by 'reciprocal communication' through masses of signals within the greater expanding cosmic mind, our universe, one giant sea of energy. These signals are the love letters from the cosmos.  They are the activity that illuminates us all.  They are the source of the manifestation of that what is our observable universe. These loving signals of intelligence are the birthplace of 'all types of energy' of 'all dimensions' (known and unknown), our universe, planet earth, reality.  All of it upheld within this greater cosmic totality; the cosmic tree of life; all is dancing, everything is vibrating, love... it is a beautiful and ever expanding field. You may call 'it' a thought, a wish or an intent by the greater deity, as it is indeed, it is supernatural, all is part of the greater ever-expanding network of synchronized multiverses. All that-is-and-that-what-is-not is upheld by the absolute belief of these divine loving signals as they know no doubt. These encouraging signs, the signals of loving waves of energy, they compose the true fabric of our universe, all-of-it. This convergence of energy creates a multi-dimensional library of vibrations, in both the seen and the unseen that transcends the spacetime continuum.  All that is: what came before, that in the present, that what is yet to come, all of it... it is all upheld in the 'current' by these signals of love; a quantumbioluminescence beyond anything that digits, calculations, symbols or words can describe. The altruistic loving intent from these signals is to give birth to life, to create matter as it seeks to expand: cosmic inflation on a level beyond our current understanding of our universal piece of apple phi(e).  Love from Cosmos? Altruism, its own self-interest, our universe is but one of its incomputable children.  Exactle; like our own cells, the neurons in our brain, the microcosm within.  It keeps on creating, re-generating.  Life is therefore an unfathomable miracle which is why you must be in complete awe with yourself and how you came to be.  This quantum superposition is what makes us who we are, it creates our reality. It is also our true purpose: life is lived by love so that we can live our lives through the loving acts of kindness for one another as all-is-one.  Our world is our cell.  We must respect the cell.  Love is the purpose, the meaning of life, it is our natural golden ratio as it is (bio)logical; all is limitless, but we must follow the rules, see the bigger picture. Connect the dots. The similarities between nature and our universe are too striking to ignore. All of it is running on the some operating system. The positive feedback loop is part of its EA. It is the driver of all.  All is composed of so much love and beauty; it is incalculable! We are all miracles, so much more than stardust. You are beyond incredible. No formula can ever explain.  Your wondrous life is the ultimate gift.  Woven like an extraordinary tapestry,  you are a magnificent mandala. Words, how can words describe you?  You are so beautiful!  The gift of all life is beyond beautiful. As all matter is ultimately created by the gift of sublime unconditional love that is present in 'all'. Love matters so very very much. Love creates matter! Let's get down to the matter of love and its intristic vibrational frequencies: these source signals create vibrations which positively create (all types of) matter. All matter is composed of vibrations down to the smallest particle yet all exist in the same energy(sphere). People, animals, plants, music, Et Al. Each of us is a composition of particles in an endless library of compositions. On the surface of our physical existence, we appear like musical notes in a composition of many. Each of us unique in form but upheld by the same modus operandi of creationary energy. We are all vibrating at different frequencies as our composition is uniquely ours. This composition (aka human vibration frequency) is what we feel in our relationships with our family, friends and partners. In actuality, we have have this energetic exchange with all that is, our pets, nature, the food we eat, the knowledge we gather, etc. It is part of the ongoing process of the evolutionary drive, the algorithm that is regeneration. We are all influenced by the energy of all that surrounds us. This is not a (EPR) paradox; it is normality.  We have the incredible power to heal each other.  The power to heal the world. The easiest way to do this is by "being present in love", thinking loving thoughts, this drives quantum healing. We have the healing power to provide a positive influence on each other just by realizing we are all made of the same energy; love. As we recognize that love is our universal frequency, we improve not only ourselves and our surroundings, we better our world.  Harmony happens through the realization that the immanent melody of love is always omnipresent in all of us. You have this loving power as you were created by the power that is the energy of love. We are all dancing on the rhythm and timbre of love that underwrites 'all'.  Be therefore conscious of the power of love; loving first and foremost. Love is life's most important vibration which is why it matters. Love is the vibration that creates and carries our observable universe.  If you understand its dynamics, it is easy to ride its waves.  It is easy to make an impression on the universe, loving thoughts, acts of kindness, compassion: it goes a long way.  Love is the energy that is universal, it is healing. Love allows us to truly live, it is the signal of life. Always think loving thoughts before speech as it will raise your vibrational frequency through the science of neurogenesis.  Loving thoughts create new neural pathways, not only in our brain or the physical self, but on a much larger scale, all is interconnected through cosmic oscilliation! Think loving thoughts.  You really must belief you have the power of love as it is your inherent natural state. Love is healing, it allows you to heal yourself so you can heal the world. Loving thoughts manifest into a beautiful reality. Our reality is that we are alive in the universal sea of energy that is love.  Every moment presents you with a choice. So why not choose the positivity of loving thoughts as love truly is the spiritual law of the universe? You can send out loving vibrations, waves of healing, by thinking loving thoughts. We are all children of love.  Love heals, it is the primordial healing energy of the universe of life. The solution to solve life's challenges is to become conscious of the power of your loving thoughts. So in order to solve everything intelligently, we must recognize that love is the prevalent source as it creates us all; moreover, love unites us.  So please continue to feel love first.  When in doubt, feel love first.  Love is always first. Trust in the encouraging signals of love.  It may take 50m steps but rise you will, like a crystal that rises above the desert sands, the crystal that rises through loving ascension. How true you are as true love inherently is who you are.
~ Wald Wassermann (Receiver)