present in love - the world is good - always getting better

Stay present in the natural sequence of nature's loving optimism as it is always going forward. Stay present in love. The world is getting better. This is good! Smile, laugh, dance! You are naturally composed of divine optimism. It is why all comes into being. It is positively love that is present. Love is present in all life. Life is a present of love. You breathe. It means you are. You are, it means you are love(d). All life is present by loving intent. All is my love! Doubt is therefore the ultimate illusion. Love is ultimately the only reality. So accept yourself as it is Love that 'You Are'. Love one; love another: we are all one. Surround yourself with the healing energy of Positivity. You will find what you seek. You will become what you find. Love is your kind! You are present in kindness. Love is the true current that positively gives life to 'all'. All is positively one! One in Love. One current. The Current my love? It is Love! This is life's true meaning; Love. Positively go forward with(in) the loving current, towards the order of one for earth. Love all. All is one in Love.
~ Wald Wassermann (Receiver)