Love: Source, Purpose and Destiny

Why is it that humankind is drawn to love? That we keep trying to find romantic love in trial and error; as if is our only true purpose. Perhaps then could it be that love 'is' our single most important purpose? Is love not the point of human existence as it comes into being from love? Is it not love that is the source where all live originates? This primordial source thus being what we naturally look for our entire lives. We instinctively feel it all inside of us as it is in our inherent nature. We are naturally drawn to it. It is Confucius who wrote that 'our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall'. And rise we do as we collectively go forward as we are drawn to something that is bigger than ourselves. I believe it very well could be Love. We all ascend from the same love in the same love. Love is source, purpose and destiny. It happens in the current. There is only one current. It underwrites all life. Our purpose then is indeed to live a life of purpose; to love and uplift one another as all are created equal in the image of the same Love that creates us all.
~ Wald Wassermann