The Need to Love and Be Loved.

There is only One. This One is Oneself. Oneself is all there is. Oneself will always seek to negate its own oneness to escape the realization of aloneness. In other words; one will always seek to deny it is one to avoid realizing it is alone. Hence the paradox. There is only Oneself. Oneself is in denial of it being (the) Singular(ity). Most remarkable indeed. No wonder the above realization will never gain traction for One seeks to differentiate itself in order to escape its loneliness, hence, why the first commandment is Love. There is only One desiring Love. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Since there is ultimately only Oneself I tips its top hat for itself. Well done Sir. Well done. Quite a remarkable feat indeed. I believe the above relates to 'John 14:20 NIV: On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.'
~ Wald