Gravity is Self-Caused.

Gravity is caused by the Self; the Self Loves Itself which is why it upholds its Self. What is the Self? It is all of us as One for we are; this Self-loving Self that Loves itself aka Earth. Self-Love is the gravitational force exerted on One's self that allows the Self to be held together. Self-Love is known as Self-Gravity (Self-Gravitation) in the fields of astronomy, physics, seismology, geology, and oceanography. Self-Gravity is, however, an abstraction for it is the effect of the cause, it is not the cause itself. The cause of gravity is Self-Love. Self-Love causes gravity. In other words: We, the collective, are causing gravity ourselves. P.S.: Forget about Earth not being at the center of the universe for it is. Earth is the control center alright. The universe surrounds Earth.
~ Wald