The Highest Truth is that 'Existence is God-Realization'

The highest truth is that all is collectively one 'God-Realization'. Evolution is self-realization with the self being God itself. We could thus say that Evolution is God realizing its self and that all collectively is this one God-realization. Existence is Self-Love when we include both its cause and effect, which is God. God is the One Self-Loving Existential Truth for it incorporates All. Now it becomes interesting. At any time, you can replace the word God with Love for 'God is Love.' It is One and the same. God is, in reality, the highest form of Pure Love Consciousness. We could thus say that we are Pure Love Consciousness for we can only exist as part of 'God-Realization' which we call existence. We can not exist outside of it. The truth of existence is that we, humanity and all of nature's kin, are Love and that Life is the experience of Love. We should see ourselves as we are. We are Love experiencing Life. Life is temporary but Love is eternal. We are first and foremost Love. Existence is Love-Realization.
~ Wald Wassermann - Love from Cosmos