Only Love EXISTS: only Love IS.

Richard Hittleman was correct by stating, and I quote 'There is only Self. Because in one's ignorance [avidya] one has the illusion that he or she is separate from Self, we speak of mergence. In Self there is no possibility of the existence of a separate 'I'. Only Self EXISTS: only Self IS. When one recognizes Self, one sees no other. What you now conceive as the world, is Self.' However, this does not answer the question as to what is Self. Self is Love; Love Itself Is. From the above realization, we can thus deduce that there is only Love for in Love there is no possibility of the existence of a separate Love, i.e., 'Love brings itself together. This togetherness, we call it Life.'  Only Love EXISTS: only Love IS, Isness is Love. Or, in other words: 'See all as God for all is God or it would not exist. Existence itself is God and there is no non-existence.'
~ Wald Wassermann