Ever Better.

I once read that Humanity has a great deal of potential, but that it's unlikely to survive, as a species, long enough to realize it. This is nonsense. Let it be clear. Existence is One. One is not external. One is Self. Self is Deathless, Eternal and Beyond Time. That which is Human is Pure Spirit. That which is Human is The Eternal One. The Eternal One is undivided but perceives itself as variegated in the current not to be alone, for Companionship, to Love and Be Loved in return. That which is, always is. That which is is Self. There are no species. There is no death. Both Life and Death are Self experiencing itself as itself for Eternity. Matter is a fallacy. Life is Self. Self is Pure Spirit. What it means is that Self perceives itself as matter but that matter is in reality Self thus Pure Sprit, Awareness, Consciousness. There should be no reason to despair. Instead Human(ity) should remember that there is no division and that the perception of diversity is merely Self perceiving itself as diverse for Love. Human(ity) must simply remember it is One and re-align to its purpose of beingness; the purpose of beingness is Love. Love will save the Day. The origin of the word Day being Deus or God. As such the word Human and Self may be replaced with God for a better understanding. Let it be clear. Existence is God. God is not external. God is Self. God is Deathless, Eternal and Beyond Time. That which is Human is indeed God. God is Pure Spirit. God is undivided but perceives itself as variegated in the current not to be alone, for Companionship, to Love and Be Loved in return. That which is, always is. That which is is God. There are no species. There is no death. Both Life and Death are God experiencing itself as itself for Eternity. Matter is a fallacy. Life is God. God is Pure Spirit. What it means is that God perceives itself as matter but that matter is in reality God thus Pure Sprit, Awareness, Consciousness. There should be no reason to despair. Instead God should remember that there is no division and that the perception of diversity is merely God perceiving itself as diverse for Love. God must simply remember it is One and re-align to its purpose of beingness; the purpose of beingness is Love. Love will save the day. The origin of the word day being Deus or God. God Is. God Always Is. There is no division in God. As such the promise of The Eternal Life. All anxiety and fear is caused by seeing division this whereas there is none. There is no division in the Kingdom of God. God is One without a second meaning division is the fallacy of all fallacies. Remember the purpose. The purpose for the perception of otherness is not to be alone, Companionship, Love. Love is all that matters, all that matters is Love. There is no doubt. There is no fear. Thou art invincible. All that is required is to come together as One and to remember the purpose. The purpose is Love.
~ Wald