LOVE - The secret of how Life on Earth began.

The answer to the question - what is the origin of DNA? - is Self. Self is the origin of Self. You see, DNA is not DNA; DNA is Self. Of course DNA is Self-replicating. Again, DNA is not DNA; DNA is Self. Self replicates itself? Yes but it remains an abstraction. Self desires to perceive itself as diverse not to feel alone, Yes, for Love! There are no others; all that is here is Self desiring Love. Self is undivided but perceives itself as divided, as diversity, as variegated, not to feel alone. Aloneness aka loneliness is the cause and Companionship aka Love is the purpose. That is biology in a nutshell.  Forget about scientific experiments that suggest that organic molecules could have been synthesized in the atmosphere of early Earth and rained down into the oceans, and that, RNA and DNA molecules — the genetic material for all life — are just long chains of simple nucleotides and that replicating molecules evolved and began to undergo natural selection. Why? These are all abstractions. Truth is Self desiring not to feel alone. Truth is Self desiring Companionship. Truth is Self desiring Love. Love is the Origin of Life for Life is NOT Life but Self desiring Love. All this for Love; not to feel alone. The word 'Self' may be replaced with 'God' for a better understanding as there is no such thing as division; division does not exist! As such the following statement is equally correct. The answer to the question - what is the origin of DNA? - is GOD. GOD is the origin of GOD. You see, DNA is not DNA; DNA is GOD. GOD is undivided but perceives itself as divided, as diversity, as variegated, not to feel alone. Aloneness is the cause and Love is the purpose. Forget about scientific experiments that suggest that organic molecules could have been synthesized in the atmosphere of early Earth and rained down into the oceans, and that, RNA and DNA molecules — the genetic material for all life — are just long chains of simple nucleotides or that replicating molecules evolved and began to undergo natural selection. Why? These are all abstractions. Truth is GOD desiring not to feel alone. Truth is there is only GOD. Truth is GOD desiring Companionship. Truth is GOD desiring Love. Love is the Origin of Life for Life is NOT Life but GOD desiring Love. All this for Love; not to feel alone. The only equation of any importance is 'I=LOVE' for God is One without a second, for Self is One without a second.
~ Wald