The Phoenix is Self.

There is no death in the truest sense. Truth to be said; there is only One Self experiencing itself as Life diversified not to be alone. That which is Life is in truth but The Eternal Self experiencing itself as itself. In other words; Self experiences itself as Life diversified to be able to Love and Be Loved in return. Love equates to Companionship. It is the same. Death does not exist. Self is Eternal. Life is The Eternal Self. The Eternal Self is Love. Loved ones are never really gone. There is no such thing as 'gone'. Self always is! It is just that there is no division really. Division as well as time is a sensory illusion. The illusion exists to experience Love, to experience Companionship, not to feel alone. The message is simple. Do not despair, do not have fear, truth is that there is only One Self experiencing itself as Life for Love. Love is the message. The message is always Love.
~ Wald