Self is One but desires to negate its own (al)oneness for Love.

It is correct to note that loneliness is the cause of the origin of the universe, earth, life. Perhaps the words cosmic loneliness, universal loneliness or existential loneliness are applicable. So far nothing new here were it not that the universe is not the universe but Self. Self experiences itself as itself and perceives itself as plural, as diversified, as variegated; as the universe, the earth and life; as humankind. Humankind, life, the earth, the universe is in reality Self. Self is One but desires to negate its own (al)oneness. Hence aloneness aka loneliness being the originating cause, and, Companionship aka Love being the purpose. As to time; time was conceived to be able to experience Self. There is ultimately no time for it is Self which desires to experience time. Again; this for the purpose not to feel alone. Life is in reality Oneself. Division is a thin veil that serves the purpose to be able not to feel alone. All this for Companionship, not to feel alone. There where otherness is perceived is Self perceiving itself as otherness not to be alone. There where division is perceived is Self perceiving itself as divided not to be alone. There where time is perceived is Self perceiving time not to be alone. All there is is Self desiring not to be alone. All there is is Self desiring Companionship, Friendship, Togetherness, Warmth, Love. Love is the meaning- and purpose of Life for Life is Self desiring Love. Is Love the greatest commandment? Yes, it is correct. Love is the greatest commandment. All this for Love; not to feel alone. There is nothing to fear nor anyone to fight for all that is here is Self desiring Love.
~ Wald