There Is No Greater Truth Than Love.

The answer to the question - does time actually exist or is it a concept made up by Human? - is that time exists to experience Companionship. So it is. Time exists not to be alone. Time exists to experience Companionship. Companionship being a synonym for the more common word Love. To address the question. Yes, time is a Human invention. Or rather; time is a Human perception. Human perceives time not to be alone. Human perceives time for Companionship. Human perceives time to Love and Be Loved in return. Perhaps this is not understood until Human realizes it is One without a second. So it is. Human is Singular perceiving itself as Plural not to be alone. Simplified. Human is God and just as God is One so is Human, for, there is no division whatsoever. Division is a fallacy. It is correct to note that there is only God and that there is no division in God. What it actually means is the following. There is only Self and although Self is undivided; Self perceives itself as Life Diversified this for the very purpose to consummate this innate longing for Companionship. Companionship is the underwriting purpose and Loneliness is the underwriting cause. To return to the subject of time. Time is Self-engineered. Or rather. Time is Self-perceived. Self perceives time not to be alone. Self perceives time to experience Companionship. The Christian concept that God is Love is correct. So is the concept of Companionship in Islam. Both words are synonyms. Love is a synonym for Companionship. In conclusion: Time is Self perceiving time to experience Companionship. There is only One Self. Self is alone (as in all one) but perceives otherness not to feel alone. Similarly. God is alone (as in all one) but perceives otherness not to to feel alone. None of it matters for all that matters is Love. Love is the purpose, there is no purpose but Love. Love one another, there is no other...
~ Wald