What is the purpose of Schrödinger's Cat Thought experiment?

The answer to the question - what is the purpose of Schrödinger's cat thought experiment? - is that it proves that the meaning of Life is Love. It is true that Schrödinger’s cat is oh so glad for several reasons but the most important reason is that it proves that there is no division. If there is no division then why is there the perception of diversity? Aha. That is a most excellent question. Diversity is perceived for Companionship, not to feel alone. The cause of Diversity is Self desiring not to be by itself. The cause of Diversity is Self desiring Companionship. The cause of Diversity is Self desiring to Love and Be Loved in return. Naturally, Self may name itself Consciousness or Awareness. It doesn’t change the fact that Self is Indivisible. As such Schrödinger’s Cat validates the point that most suffering in this world is caused by ignorance of knowing there is only Oneself desiring not to be by itself and that the underwriting purpose verily is Love.
~ Wald Wassermann