It's All Good.

If the Schrödinger cat is both dead and alive, do we ever really die? It is good asking this question. Now I Am certain that both Life and Death are part of One thing and that this One thing is No thing but Self. Self is One. Oneself Is. Is-ness is Self. Self is Indivisible. Division does not exist. Existence is Unified, Whole, One. One is not external. One is Self. Self ís. Self Itself ís. Self Always ís. All that is here is Self perceiving itself as Life diversified not to feel alOne, to experience Companionship, to Love and Be Loved. Life verily is Self. Self aligns itself to Love. Love is the purpose, there is no purpose but Love. It must be noted that the debate whether or not God exists is born out of Ignorance. Why? That which is doing the debate is That. That is Indivisible That is Self. That 'ís'. Please note that I is all-Inclusive and Impartial for parts do not exist. As such the following statement is equally valid. If the Schrödinger cat is both dead and alive, do we ever really die? It is good asking this question. Now I Am certain that both Life and Death are part of One thing and that this One thing is No thing but God. God is One. God Itself Is. Is-ness is God. God is Indivisible. Division does not exist. Existence is Unified, Whole, One. One is not external. One is God. God ís. God Itself ís. God Always ís. All that is here is God perceiving itself as Life diversified not to feel alOne, to experience Companionship, to Love and Be Loved. Life verily is God. God aligns itself to Love. Love is the purpose, there is no purpose but Love. None of the above matters for all that matter’s Love. Love is the only purpose, there is no other purpose but Love.
~ Wald