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Human-kind does not need to go in space to look for answers. It is not necessary. There is no thing there. All that is (t)here is Self. Self perceives otherness to experience togetherness. Togetherness is what Self desires. Simply remain grounded in the notion that there is no division. Division does not exist. Diversity is perceived not to feel alone, to experience Companionship aka Love. Any relationship including but not limited to man and woman, nations too, can flourish if the above is understood. There is nothing to fight. All that is here is Self desiring not to be alone. All that is here is Self desiring Companionship. All that is here is Self desiring Love. Whenever it appears you get lost in translation; simply remember to return to Love, remember that One is Two not to be alOne. Serious conflicts such as war occurr only because of ignorance of knowning that there is only Self desiring not to be by itself. Always return to Love. Love is key.
~ Wald