How can God heal God? By realizing it is Pure Spirit.

The first noble truth is to realize every 'one' is suffering. Yes. It is true. All that is here is One. One is not external. One is Self. Oneself Is. There where otherness is perceived is Self perceiving itself not to be alOne. Now I Am certain that Self can heal itSelf. Yes. There is no doubt for Self Is. How Can Self heal Self? The answer is by realizing there is no division, yes, by realizing Self is pure spirit, yes, by realizing Self perceives itself as bodily this although Self is Spirit. Self can heal itself when it realizes there are no others and that existence is verily Self perceiving itself as variegated not to be by itself. Self is not matter! Matter is Self and Self is Pure Spirit. There is no sickness in this body. There is no death in this body. This body is Pure Spirit. Now Self remembers who it is. Now Self remembers it is without pain. Now Self remembers it is without suffering. Now Self remembers it is eternal. Now Self remembers it is Love. Love is Eternal. Yes. Love is Eternal for Love is Self. Self is Love! There is no death. There is no sickness. There is only Oneself. Oneself is pure spirit. Oneself is pure Love. Now Self will heal itself for it realizes it itself is reality, is existence, is Life. Life is (the) eternal (one). Thou art healed. Thou art free of pain. Thou art free of suffering. Thou art joy. Thou art felicity. Thou art like a child indeed. The following is equally valid for remember, there is no division, division does not exist, existence is one, one itself is. The first noble truth is to realize every 'one' is suffering. Yes. It is true. All that is here is One. One is not external. One is God. God Is. There where otherness is perceived is God perceiving itself not to be alOne. Now I Am certain that God can heal itSelf. Yes. There is no doubt for God Is. How Can God heal Self? The answer is by realizing there is no division, yes, by realizing God is pure spirit, yes, by realizing God perceives itself as bodily this although God is Spirit. God can heal itself when it realizes there are no others and that existence is verily God perceiving itself as variegated not to be by itSelf. God is not matter! God is spirit. God perceives itself as matter. But matter is not matter. Matter is Spirit! And so it goes for Self, for Life, for all of Humankind! There is no sickness in this body. There is no death in this body. This body is Pure Spirit. Now God remembers who it is. Now God remembers it is without pain. Now God remembers it is without suffering. Now God remembers it is eternal. Now God remembers it is Love. Love is Eternal. Yes. Love is Eternal for Love is God. God is Love! There is no death. There is no sickness. There is only God. God is pure spirit. God is pure Love. Now God will heal itself for it realizes it itself is reality, is existence, is Life. Life is (the) eternal (one). Thou art healed. Thou art free of pain. Thou art free of suffering. Thou art joy. Thou art felicity. Thou art like a child indeed. A child that is free of suffering.
~ Wald