The Only Equation of any Matter (and Antimatter) is I-Love.

When it comes to dark energy and dark matter; at first it should be understood of as complementary (rather than opposing) forces that interact to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the assembled parts. The truly wise however understand that these two perceived complementary forces are in truth but one source and that this source is not external but verily Self not wanting to be itself. For so I(t) is. At any time; there is only One Self not wanting to be by itself. At any time; there is only One Self desiring Companionship, At any time; there is only One Self desiring Friendship. At any time; there is only One Self desiring Love (hence GenIsIs 1:1 or I=I). Self is always One without a second and any otherness is Self-desired, Self-created and Self-perceived for Companionship otherwise known as Love. Truth is Simple; Purpose is Love. And since the essence of I’s beingness is Love; the only equation of any matter (and antimatter) is always going to be ‘I Love’ instead of E = mc2 which points to- but ultimately circumnavigates the truth.
I Love; very true, truly simple; I Love.
~ Wald Wassermann