How can we look beyond- or escape Maya when Self is Maya? How do we become empty? How do we experience or merge with the void? First of all. Forget about such as the void. There is no such thing. There is only Self. Self came up with all words did it not? Well then don't get fooled by the illusory sense of separation that comes with Self-invented words. Now as to Maya. The purpose of the veil, why we the one perceives itself as separate, is so not to feel alone. We must read between the lines of Genesis 2:18: It is not good for Self to be by itself which is why Self is different/diverse in Life. The meaning of Life is Companionship. Companionship as in Love. So all we can do is our best to Love as good as we can. Either way. Just by being alive we are fulfilling the purpose. The purpose is Companionship. All diversity exists so not to be alone. All diversity exists for Companionship i.e. Love.
~ Wald Wassermann, Physicist