Life is Allah Celebrating Itself as Self-Differentiated for Love.

Alright so here's the deal as to what constitutes a Godly relationship, a Holy matrimony, a Joyful marriage. Truth is One but paths to realizing Truth is One are many. As such allow me to illustrate the nature of Reality by using the word Allah this in the proper understanding that Allah is a synonym for Cosmic/Universal Consciousness which is always undivided yet purposely so Self-differentiated. Regardless and not to get too distracted; let's continue to describe why the purpose of Allah is Love. There is only Allah. Allah is one not wanting to be alone (for after all; how could universal consciousness not be one?). Now in order for Allah to experience Companionship or that which is commonly known as Love, Allah needs to be in constant motion indeed very much like the ocean. It is only by being in constant motion (veiling is a good word) himself (the meaning of the word 'him' is 'this one') that Allah can experience constant companionship himself. What it means is that there where appears to be two waves is always but one ocean (Allah) bringing forth itself as two waves (Man and Woman) so not to be alone, so to experience Companionship, so to be able to experience Friendship, so to be able to Love and be Loved in return. The ocean here is Allah. The waves here are Allah. Again; there is nothing but Allah. Allah is man. Allah is woman. Allah is Life. Life is Allah celebrating itself as Self-differentiated for Companionship otherwise known as Love. Hence the why of the Gospel of Love; the Gospel of Love. It simply is not good for Allah to be alone. The purpose of Allah Companionship, Friendship, Love. Hence the meaning of Life. The meaning of Life is Love. The goal here for Man and Woman is to recognize who- and why they really are right now in this Life time. Not tomorrow. Not a month from now. Not a year from now but right now as in today. Who they are is One and why they are (why One appears to itself as) two is Love. It is this the meaning of a spiritual marriage. A spiritual marriage between Man and Woman is both Man and Woman understanding they are verily Allah celebrating itself as two, as Man and as Woman, for Love. Love is the meaning of Allah. Allah's purpose is Love which is why there is Life. There you have it. Very true. Truly simple. Love.
~ Wald Wassermann, Physicist