What is the difference between M-Theory and OM-Theory?

It is said that M-Theory is the leading candidate for the Theory of everything in the universe. Is M-Theory valid? Yes from a scientific perspective this although M-Theory is identical with Om-Theory (as in เฅ เคคुเคฐीเคฏ) . Regardless. In order to properly understand M-Theory One must return to the eternal knowledge that the first sound of the Universe is Om aka 0m which is 0 (Zero entropy or Real/Raja or Theory/Torah/Turiya or Self or Hu or I) not wanting to be alone (thus appearing as Zorro, Diversity, Differentiation, Quantum Fluctuations or Reality or M aka ฮจ or Wo-M-An or X). So what is M-Theory aka Self all about? Love. Love naturally meaning companionship and friendship. But in most simple terms. One's very own purpose it is love sweet love. Hence why the wise proclaim that the meaning of life - the meaning of self - is love.
~ Wald Wassermann