If the world is an illusion then why does it seem so real?

If the world is an illusion then why does it seem so real? The question is born out of ignorance. Ignorance of knowing that all this is self veiling itself as manifoldness so to escape aloneness. What it means? The world is both an illusion and real. How can it be? The answer is in genesis 2:18. The concealed truth: It is not good that the man should be alone. The revealed truth: it is not good for self to be by itself. This in the proper understanding that there is only oneself not wanting to be by itself. The purpose of self companionship, friendship, love. Hence the why of the universe, Hence the why of the world. Hence the why of life. All is one and the same. All is self desiring nothing else but simple companionship, friendship, love. Hence the Gospel. Love each other for there are no others. Otherness is self perceived for togetherness.
~ Wald Wassermann, Physicist