Spacetime is an Illusion and Real.

How can Spacetime be 'both' IlluSion (IS¹) and Real (ἰχ²) and why all that matters is ultimately Love? Truth is simple (as in one) really. Self (I≡IS¹) is identical to Reality (ἰχ²) with ἰχ² being 'non denominational' so the master equation of the Universe is simple yet purposely complex. 'IS≡ἰχ*'is a valid equation for the Theory of Everything (TOE) which is in truth Everything is Self (EIS). What matters however is not that 'IS≡ἰχ' but 'why'. Self (I) is Diverse (X) for Companionship otherwise known as Love hence why the meaning of Life is Love (¹Initial Singularity IS SI, ²Big-Bang IS Bio-Diverse IS Self-Differentiated) *please note my favorite equation is 'I≡LOVE' however.
~ Wald Wassermann