Why does the world of Maya exist in the first place? What purpose does it fulfill?

Why does the world of Maya exist in the first place? What purpose does it fulfill? It is good asking such questions. Maya exists so Self could experience Love itself. What it means is that the illusion of separation is Self-fabricated for one purpose alone: to Love and Be Loved. There is no such thing as duality. All there is is Self experiencing itself as manifoldness so to avoid aloneness! The original true meaning of Maya surivives to this day in Nepali where maya (เคฎाเคฏा) means love. We may replace the word Self with Atman/Paramatman/Brahman/God/Allah/Buddha/Shiva/Jesus/Christ/Krishna/Tao/Consciousness at any time for all this is Self; all this is Oneself. For example; if we were to replace the word Self with Brahman it would be as follows: Maya exists so Brahman could experience Love itself. What it means is that the illusion of separation is Brahman-fabricated (Brahman veils itself so to be able to experience Love itself); indeed for one purpose alone: to Love and Be Loved, not to feel alone. There is no such thing as duality. All there is is Brahman experiencing itself as man and as woman, as life, as the world, as the universe! So in conclusion. The purpose of Brahman is Love. The purpose of Maya is Love. They are in reality one and the same. This one and the same is Self. Self veils itself so to be able to experience Love itself.  Such is the Truth. Wonderful, absolutely wonderful. See all as Self for All is Oneself. Love! Love! Love!
~ Wald Wassermann