On all-Haqq: The Purpose of Allah is Love.

From the Islamic perspective, all-Haqq, the Real or the Truth, which is the one and only Truth for there is only the Truth, it is indeed not incorrect to state that there is only Allah and that Allah is diverse so as not to be alone. In other words, the purpose of Allah is Love, which is why Allah is diverse. Naturally, this is just a brief synopsis. What it basically means from the Islamic view is that the Origin of Life is Allah not wanting to be alone and that the meaning of Life, the purpose of Allah, is Companionship, Friendship otherwise known as Love which is also the purpose of the Family. In conclusion and again from an Islamic perspective; Life is Allah celebrating itself as Self-differentiated for Companionship, Friendship, Love; so to be able to Love and Be Loved in return, so as not to be alone. In conclusion. Truth is simple. Allah's purpose is Love.
~ Wald Wassermann