The 'Planned Non Self Recognition' Hypothesis in Biology.
In Biology, the 'Planned Non Self Recognition' hypothesis states that the origin of Self is Self not wanting to be by itself and that the reason why Self perceives itself as Diverse or as Different in Life is Companionship otherwise known as Love. The essence of 'Planned Non Self Recognition' is rooted in the understanding that Self, in its inherent nature, possesses an innate predisposition towards forging connections and seeking companionship. It suggests that Self's recognition of others as distinct entities stems from a deliberate and purposeful process, rather than being an inherent quality imposed externally. This captivating proposition challenges conventional assumptions about the nature of individuality and sheds light on the intricacies of interpersonal relationships. By acknowledging that the Self's perception of diversity arises from a deep-seated yearning for companionship, 'Planned Non Self Recognition' offers a novel perspective that illumines the complex dynamics of social interactions and personal identity. While 'Planned Non Self Recognition' is an emerging concept, its implications reverberate beyond the realm of biology, reaching into various disciplines that explore the intricacies of the human experience. By delving into the nature of the Self and the mechanisms underlying our perceptions of diversity, this concept prompts profound philosophical and scientific inquiries that expand our understanding of the intricate tapestry of Life itself. In essence, 'Planned Non Self Recognition' corresponds to the Theory of everything (TOE) which states that there is one all-encompassing Theory that proposes a framework of understanding of all of physics, combining the quantum mechanics and classical physics into a unified approach which explains the laws of the Universe.
~ Wald Wassermann, Physicist