The Gravitational Constant is 'I=Love'. (G=I=Love)

The gravitational constant, denoted by G is I (Self) desiring not to be by itself; hence (G=I). Now I am, as a scientist and biologist, certain that all that is here is Self. Self exists as Otherness to experience Togetherness. Togetherness Self desires. The gravitational constant is Self (I) desiring Love. Simplex Unisex. The grand equation is 'I=Love'. All the rest is nincompoop, i.e., petit cinema. Voilร , c'est รงa. Le grand cinema c'est ฮฝฮฟแฟฆฯ‚ (noรปs). Nous est l'Amour pour Toujours.
Now excusez-moi for it is time to do some Plancks while I pet my pussy cat named Max.

~ Wald Wassermann