There where is Life is God reveling in itself.

There where is Life is God reveling in itself in utter ecstasy. Why? Life 'is' God. God perceives itself as Life, as Man, as Woman, for Love! All that is here is God experiencing itself as Man and as Woman, as Life, for Love. Is the above the highest truth? Yes. Of course. But it must be noted that the highest truth Itself Is for there is no such thing as division 'whatsoever'. As such the following statement is equally valid. There where is Life is Self reveling in itself in utter ecstasy. Why? Life 'is' Self. Self perceives itself as Life, as Man, as Woman, for Love! All that is here is Self experiencing itself as Man and as Woman, as Life, for Love. Is the above the highest truth? Yes.
~ Wald Wassermann